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Interflora Ireland Discount Codes | February 2025

Visit Interflora Ireland

Active Interflora Ireland Promo and Voucher Codes for February 2025

These code have expired. But they might be worth checking to see if they work anyway.

About Interflora Ireland

Interflora has launched an improved online service in the Republic of Ireland. The web site, which is priced in euros, is committed to providing customers with excellent service and a wide choice of products. Not only has Interflora provided Irish customers with a simpler way of buying flowers, but it has also helped increase business for its network of Irish florists. First quarter trading in 2010 for was very successful. Press, radio and online promotions during peak periods, such as Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day, helped launch the site and spread awareness. The new online service is a response to the need to provide an even better service for customers in the Republic. Michael Barringer, marketing director at Interflora, said: “We identified a large number of Irish customers who were not getting the optimum Interflora experience. We acted upon this opportunity and quarter one has proven that Interflora has been welcomed in Ireland.” Interflora is the largest flower delivery network with over 160 florists across Ireland. These expert florists will hand-tie and deliver flowers and, with standard, next-day and even same-day delivery. So whether you need to send birthday flowers or an anniversary gift, you can be sure that flowers will always arrive fresh and on time.